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King Charles III Coastal Challenge

Started 7th April 2024 - Ongoing until finished!

£35 Entry Fee (Includes donation to RNLI)
Complete a segment of the English or Welsh Coast Path on a day that suits you - READ BELOW FOR MORE INFO


For a long time now there has been a plan to create the King Charles III England Coast Path around the entire English mainland! It will go alongside the Wales Coast Path so you could, in theory, do a continuous walk of close to 4000 miles!! However, that is not what we're asking you to do here. To show how spectacular the English and Welsh mainland coasts really are we invite you to become part of this challenge. Albion Running events have had runners from all corners of the UK, so we want to try something new - let's have everyone working together to achieve something that will have a reach far beyond the event itself!



The King Charles III Coastal Challenge involves each entrant running/walking an approximately 30 mile segment of the English or Welsh coast path on a date that suits them between 7th April and 7th October 2024. Some sections of the King Charles III England Coast Path are not yet officially open but are due to be during 2024. There are existing paths that cover the entire UK Mainland Coast - the Wales Coast Path is already established and there are paths that cover the whole of the English coast, albeit with small inland diversions here and there. Between all entrants we aim to cover the entirety of the English and Welsh coast within the timeframe, with a view to something even bigger in 2025 should it be successful/enjoyable!


Segments have been divided with the help of technical wizard Tris Clark, and they are available to view on THIS page, where there is also a link to a map of unallocated segments. You can enter now, then we will be in contact via email and you can tell us which segment you want to take on. You will also be invited to a Facebook group for entrants should you wish to join it.


You might see this as an opportunity to visit one of your favourite bits of coastline and get a medal for your troubles, you may see it as an opportunity to discover a new piece of coastline, or you may just want to 'take one for the team' and choose what you think will be an unpopular location with the aim that the whole thing gets done! We don't want anyone to have to go far out of their way so this gets done - the idea is that those who want to travel far can but those who want to stay local can do that too. The most important thing is that every part of the UK coastline gets done overall, but due to the nature of this event we can work as a team so it happens. If there are sections nobody seems to want to do we will put out pleas on our Facebook page ; ) 


This is NOT a virtual event! Everyone who takes part will actually go and run/walk their segment of coastline in real life. If you want a good virtual event we can recommend End to End Challenges, who do that superbly :) ....  Virtual Challenges - End To End Virtual Challenges


Your Entry fee of £35 will get you: - 
* An awesome medal for your efforts (will be revealed closer to the time of the challenge!)
* A gpx file of your segment

* Support with local knowledge of the area you will be running/walking in if required, being part of a community of those taking part, personal support (not physical on the day with aid stations sadly but we will support you in any way we possibly can from afar - some have described running Albion events as feeling like being part of a family, and that's what we're aiming for with this too!) 

* A donation to the RNLI so they can continue their vital and heroic work

* A personalised certificate detailing your contribution to the challenge... other 'surprise' mementos may appear ; ) 


As well as completing the English and Welsh coast we hope that the further reaching impact of this challenge will be the following:

1. We are able to make a significant donation to the RNLI so they can continue their vital and heroic work to save those in peril on the sea

2. We will all learn a lot more about the spectacular UK coast - the idea is that a blog will come into existence with photos, experiences etc. from peoples' completion of the segments and we can all discover a lot more about the fantastic locations that are a relatively short trip from where we live

3. We will inspire others to get out and explore, as well as experiencing the gains to both mental and physical health that come with outdoor exercise

4. We will hopefully, in some small way, help to speed up the intended creation of a similar path around the Scottish Mainland Coast so that the whole of the UK mainland coast is covered!

Just as a mighty oak tree grows from an acorn, we want this idea (which was a joke to begin with tbh) to grow into something much bigger, which will leave a lasting legacy that goes way beyond the challenge itself. Will you be a part of it?

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